“People who’ve seen me about to fly off a cliff say I look perfectly calm.
It’s the complete opposite. I’m terrified.
I’ve just developed techniques and methods to cope with the fear”-Espen Fadnes
If there’s one thing that the web does exceptionally well, it’s providing a platform for the sharing of awesome videos. Despite plenty of footage of awe-inspiring videos, it’s not so often that we also get an insight into the level of preparation, planning and practice needed to execute these ambitious (and often dangerous videos.) The slightest mistake can be costly.
“Sense of Flying” featuring Espen Fadnes delivers on both accounts. The footage is exhilarating – wearing a wingsuit, Fadnes flies off and down a Norwegian mountain at 250 km/h, yet the video also includes glimpses of the meticulous planning process that goes on behind the scenes. Ednes has trained himself to cope under extraordinarily risky circumstances.
The lesson: preparation is key.
Happy Friday everybody and enjoy the continued good weather!
Dreaming of getting outside? Looking for more adrenaline-filled videos to fill your afternoon? Check out two of our top picks – slacklining in the sky and a tribute to discomfort.
Also, if you’re looking for some outdoor gear, our buyers have selected the best products from our current Berghaus sale. See what items made the cut here.