Maximise your hours OUTSIDE the office

If one of your goals in life is to seek that elusive work-life balance that so many of us speak wistfully of, then this inspiring video is for you.  Aptly titled “The Other Hours,” this video was shot over the course of a year by Jeff Brines – a financial analyst working a daily 9-7 office shift who decided to seriously maximise his hours outside of the office.

The result: Jeff skied on 140 days and rode his bike for over 160.  He also shredded over 500″ of snowfall and (as a conservative estimate) exchanged over 1000 high fives.  If that’s not representative of a life well lived, then we’re not sure what is.

SportPursuit readers, how do you spend your “other hours?”  Let us know in the comments below!

If you’re on the lookout for some new gear for ski season, APO (skis and snowboards,) Thermowave (baselayers,) and iON (action cameras) are currently on sale at SportPursuit. Shop at SportPursuit today!

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